97 posts categorized "Marketing Techniques" Feed

April 14, 2012

September 15, 2011

March 07, 2011

December 08, 2010

November 29, 2010

September 07, 2010

August 23, 2010

July 13, 2010

May 14, 2010

April 14, 2010

April 08, 2010

March 09, 2010

November 04, 2009

July 23, 2009

February 16, 2009

January 27, 2009

January 26, 2009

January 06, 2009

December 14, 2008

November 21, 2008

Read Michelle's Book

  • Michelle Golden: Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms: The Guide to Establishing Credibility and Accelerating Relationships (Wiley Professional Advisory Services)

    Michelle Golden: Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms: The Guide to Establishing Credibility and Accelerating Relationships (Wiley Professional Advisory Services)

    A timeless guide to modern marketing strategies: online and off.

    "The most comprehensive guide that I have seen so far."―Joe Bailey, CPA

    "How to execute social-media strategies and the reasons why they work, written at a higher than most level; a must read if you are serious about social networking." —Anthony Provinzino, Farmers Insurance

    "So much more than a run down of the tools....helps you to think strategically about social media by putting in its proper perspective."―Colette Gonsalves, CPA firm marketing director

    "Extremely well organized ... winning ideas for ... firms to develop and maintain non-cookie-cutter marketing programs that are firm-specific and purposeful."―Richard Weltman, Business & bankruptcy lawyer


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Member since 04/2005