The chatter everywhere in the accounting world surrounds what a hostile selling environment we're in. It was bad 2-3 years ago and it isn't any better today. Hand-wringing CPAs are convinced there's nothing they can do.
But there is.
You really can break free of the low-price wars. But there are a few things you'll need to do. And they take practice. To get started, check out this article (shared with AAM's permission).
PDF: Selling Profitable Work When the Fee-Squeeze is On
It's the Oct feature article for Association for Accounting Marketing's Growth Strategies magazine, and it is a nod to the type of content in my next book: Pricing to Win. Landing the Right Work at the Right Price.
Would really love your feedback and your questions. They'll help me know what to address within the pages of the book! Thanks!!
Thanks Michelle! The more I learn about scope, the more I wonder if it isn't the KEY to success for both value pricing and working in a Results Only Work Environment. It seems that to be successful with either, scope must be addressed for the good of the team AND the customer. Can't wait for your new book!
Posted by: Jennifer Blumer | November 04, 2012 at 01:42 PM