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July 13, 2010


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Dustin Wheeler

Michelle, great post. Another thing to consider is the performance of the blogging software on the server. It's not enough that the host can accommodate a mySQL database; you want one that runs it well. I learned the hard way that Wordpress runs very slow on shared Windows server with IIS (so slow that it would take like 30 seconds to load a page). We ended up purchasing another domain with Linux hosting for our blog and the pages load much faster.

Michelle Golden

Great point, Dustin! Thanks for your comment. I agree, Linux is essential to good WordPress (WP) functionality. Several hosting companies make using WP very difficult, but it isn't always easy to know this until AFTER you've bought your hosting. Thanks for bringing this up!

BTW, I really like your blog and have added it to accountingbloglist.com!

Jim Caruso

Michelle - thanks for the info, but may I ask a related question? Whereas the post focuses more on the technical side of hosting, domain names, etc., what are your thoughts on mixing professional vs. personal content and where both should reside? To break it down further, what about professional topics that are client-facing versus those that are geared toward peers in my profession? I want to start a personal blog that covers topics strictly of personal interest (e.g., fitness, martial arts, weather photography) but also professional topics that would be of interest to others in my profession but not necessarily to clients. Finally, I also want to blog on behalf of my firm with topics that would be of interest to current and potential clients. I assume the latter category should go on my firm's site, but do I also include the personal stuff on there to build a personal brand? If I keep the non-client topics on a separate, personal blog should I in turn separate the two categories into two separate personal blog sites (i.e., strictly personal, vs. what is written for peers in my profession)?

Michelle Golden

Hi Jim, great questions!

My answer got so long that I made it my newest blog post. Thank you for the inspiration!

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