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March 12, 2009


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Ed Kless

Great post. It is so easy to circumvent. There are several online operating systems now that allow you to create a virtual computer somewhere else in the cloud. From their you just launch a browser and bingo, no restrictions.

Joey Brannon

I'm scratching my head over the desire to put the genie back in the bottle when it comes to privacy settings on social networking sites. Wasn't the point of joining these sites to reconnect with old friends and find new ones? When I started Facebook I had zero friends. Had I followed these privacy precautions I would have probably connected to only a dozen or so through word of mouth. The lax privacy settings are exactly what make the sites work in the first place.

The problem is that people who try to use social networking as a business tool forget that it is first and foremost a relationship tool. It works so well at fostering relationships because it promotes transparency and open, almost broadcast style communication. Strangely, it's not the generation that created social networking that is wrestling with this. They believe that if you've got to hide your Facebook or Myspace identity from your boss it's a crappy job anyway. It's those of us that didn't grow up with social transparency and voyeurism that can't get used to the fact that a so called "business tool" may require us to get real with the rest of the world and stop pretending to be someone we're not.

Michelle Golden

Totally get where you're at, Joey. Excellent points. I find that, for me (a 40ish chick) my main concerns for the personal/business blend are to protect my minor children on the internet--their identity and their safety. For family and close friends--people who know my family--they get full access. For business people whom I don't know very well (say for instance, you, until I get to meet you and all and know you aren't a stalker :-)) I would suppress photo albums that make it really easy to find my children's full names, schools, etc.

That is the sort of privacy I would be concerned about. People who are party age might be more concerned about the drunk pics...and if they have more serious careers (law?) or plan to be future politicians they should probably avoid those potentially damaging pics/stories altogether, but if they don't, they should at least stash them behind a wall...

thanks for the dialogue! I do agree with your points!

Robert Fligel

Enjoyed this post as always. I would almost title it... Trust Your Employees as that seems to be a prime issue. In earlier days it was personal telephone calls as I can vividly recall the skulking partner perusing the staff room to be sure all heads were down and billing.

The choices keep getting bigger and, as noted, the ways to circumvent "bans" are generally ahead of the curve.

Agree for sure that all of these tools can and should benefit the firm as well and should be incorporated into training. I know many who do that sort of training if anyone is interested ([email protected] or 212 490 9700)

Anyone who takes advantage should be called out whether its sick days, personal pc use or other and there are plenty of tools to monitor such behavior if desired.

Ron Ratliff, CPA

I'm glad I found your blog.

Excellent comments focused directly on an issue of significant interest for those responsible for growing a practice in the Web 2.0 world!

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