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March 01, 2009


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Scott Heintzelman

That is really good stuff and we are proud of him!

Jean Caragher

Michelle -

Congratulations! I cried watching the video. Only a few more months until my husband returns! I am so proud of all of them!

Jean Caragher

Sarah Johnson

Congrats Michelle! My brother was over there for a while a number of years back. It is such a great feeling to have them home. Please tell him thank you for protecting our country!

Sarah Johnson

Amy Campbell

Very happy for you!!!!

Michelle Golden

Thank you all so much. Jean and Sarah, many thanks to you both, and your families for your husband's and brother’s service, respectively.

We have a pretty amazing military made up of very fine people. My only regret is the hardship on those who serve and their families. Fortunately there is a great honor along with the sacrifice.

Here's to keeping them all in our thoughts until they all come home safe...

Joey Brannon

Tell your son he has the undying respect and gratitude of a citizen who prays for his safety and his family's peace of mind. The sacrifices you guys make humble the rest of us.

Michelle Golden

Joey, thank you, I'm very moved by your words. My son will be too. :)


Awww, this is great news, Michelle! Please pass along my gratitude both for your son's service to our country and for his arriving safely back home. And sorry I didn't catch this until just now!

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  • Michelle Golden: Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms: The Guide to Establishing Credibility and Accelerating Relationships (Wiley Professional Advisory Services)

    Michelle Golden: Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms: The Guide to Establishing Credibility and Accelerating Relationships (Wiley Professional Advisory Services)

    A timeless guide to modern marketing strategies: online and off.

    "The most comprehensive guide that I have seen so far."―Joe Bailey, CPA

    "How to execute social-media strategies and the reasons why they work, written at a higher than most level; a must read if you are serious about social networking." —Anthony Provinzino, Farmers Insurance

    "So much more than a run down of the tools....helps you to think strategically about social media by putting in its proper perspective."―Colette Gonsalves, CPA firm marketing director

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