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November 22, 2008


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Jack Bastide

Hi Michelle,

Thanks for mentioning my blog. You seem to be understanding Twitter quite well

Now go follow me before I get pissed off ... (wink)

Jack Bastide

Dianna Huff

Michelle -- Great post. I am now following you -- @diannahuff

Ellen Weber

Thanks for carrying this conversation further, Michelle. And thanks also for the hat tip! Twitter is new to people like me also, and many who frequent it are new too.

Like you, I've found interesting people there, which gets me reading fine sites like this one, that I may have missed otherwise.

There are so many aspects of this exchange on twitter that will open new ways to use it even more effectively.

I found your hints helpful to wrap my own brain around what works well with the very busy schedule I keep.

My problem is that I enjoy so many interesting ideas far too much, and there is no shortage of insights flying around on Twitter. So I have to glance in and move on:-) Thanks for that reminder!


I thought it was only me who couldn't figure out all the features of Twitter. I, too, discovered that the Help pages don't really help. Thanks for your post.

Kevin Sablan

Thank you for using the efforts of the Register as an example of how Twitter can be "invaluable on emerging news."

I tried Twitter three times before I BEGAN to understand how useful, and powerful, it is. I remember being confused by the many community-born semantics, and the various tools and resources from found outside of the official Twitter site.

Your post is a nice primer that I'm sure many will find useful.

It looks like you've become pretty comfortable posting tweets via the web site itself. At this point you might want to toy with some third-party tools that might save you some time and/or effort. Here are two posts I just found that seem to be decent roundups of some of the more popular alternatives.

8 Extensions to Tweet your Firefox Browser ... http://cli.gs/PTR7Mn

Comparing Desktop Twitter Tools: TweetDeck, Twhirl, Spaz and Twitterific ... http://cli.gs/9m50r2

Michelle Golden

Thanks for all the great comments! I learn so much from you and that's what I love about twitter. Every time I read even a handful of tweets, I learn at least a cool thing or two. I do see how people get addicted and I fight that urge, frequently!!

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