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September 02, 2008


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Melissa Waldon

Great post!

Spherion Corporation, a leading recruiting and staffing company, has launched an original web-based series called, "The Temp Life". Created by CJP Communications, the drama features a five-episode mini-series for YouTube that portrayed in graphic, eyeball-rolling, detail just about every 9-to-5 nightmare endured by temporary workers.

So why on earth would an interim-staffing firm want to actually spotlight stuff like this? By acknowledging that temping is often a rotten gig, Spherion planted the seed with viewers that it could steer them clear of hellish gigs.

Risky? Yes, but the Temp Life has already drawn over 60,000 viewers and recently won BrandWeek's Bright Idea No. 2 for Web Serial Branding.

Check it out for yourself!

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