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April 02, 2008


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Tom Hood


I am amazed at how few CPA firms have gotten into blogging and Web 2.0. The real advantages are 1) better communication to your clients and your team, 2) increased findability and search engine results, and 3) much more relevance to the new generation.

At the MACPA, we put our whole staff through a Web 2.0 training program and are now embracing many Web 2.0 technologies, we have started a "free" self-guided web 2.0 learning program to help CPAs understand these ne technologies (http://www.cpalearning2.com), amd will be having several sessions at our upcoming Maryland Business & Accounting Expo (http://www.mdbizexpo.com). We simply cannot ignore these new technologies... more on my post over at http://www.cpasuccess.com

Meredith Hamilton

Yes, but are they blogging with their clients in mind? It seems to me that too many lawyers and firms blog with content aimed at other attorneys. What is the ROI on that?

Kevin OKeefe

Thanks for mentioning the report Michelle. No question the ROI in blogging is there for law firms. It's a matter of education as many just do not see it.

Meredith, on the target audience, many law firms tailor their content to clients and prospective clients. But like you said there are many firms directing content at other lawyers, something often done to increase their stature in the legal community and obtain referrals.

Leo Bottary

Michelle, this is a great stat considering many companies blame legal for not wanting to start a blog!

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