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October 17, 2007


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Michelle -- thanks for your kindness and the overwhelming promotion of the first-ever STL Blogger Gathering. I'm positively giddy over the response and cannot wait to get face to face with so many of my favorite bloggers. See you soon!

Matt Homann

I'm in if I'm in town. Can't wait!

Randy Holloway

I won't make this next one- I have a Halloween event with my kids. Definitely next time though.

Marianne Richmond

Hey Michelle,

I actually think it is right on my Friday drop-off/pick-up path so I should be able to make it...look forward to reconnecting. It has been a really long time hasn't it.


Dennis Kennedy


My wife and I are hoping to make it. It will be fun to see the other St. Louis bloggers again.


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  • Michelle Golden: Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms: The Guide to Establishing Credibility and Accelerating Relationships (Wiley Professional Advisory Services)

    Michelle Golden: Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms: The Guide to Establishing Credibility and Accelerating Relationships (Wiley Professional Advisory Services)

    A timeless guide to modern marketing strategies: online and off.

    "The most comprehensive guide that I have seen so far."―Joe Bailey, CPA

    "How to execute social-media strategies and the reasons why they work, written at a higher than most level; a must read if you are serious about social networking." —Anthony Provinzino, Farmers Insurance

    "So much more than a run down of the tools....helps you to think strategically about social media by putting in its proper perspective."―Colette Gonsalves, CPA firm marketing director

    "Extremely well organized ... winning ideas for ... firms to develop and maintain non-cookie-cutter marketing programs that are firm-specific and purposeful."―Richard Weltman, Business & bankruptcy lawyer


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