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June 06, 2007


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Neil McIntyre

I loved this article on A List Apart when I first read it a year and a half ago: Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign.


"The differences between Redesigners and Realigners might be summarized as follows: The desire to redesign is aesthetic-driven, while the desire to realign is purpose-driven. One approach seeks merely to refresh, the other aims to fully reposition and may or may not include a full refresh."

Michelle Golden

Neil, thanks for contributing this article to the conversation. I love A List Apart as a resource and the article you point to is excellent. I'm also intrigued about what a small world it is because toward the end of the article is a reference to another article written by Greg Storey and I've just had the great pleasure of working with Greg on a 5-month project. His article is excellent, too, and as he mentions, Greg is about purpose/strategy first, design second.

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