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January 20, 2007


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Allison Wolf

Hi Michelle!

I would recommend that the Marketing Coordinator investigate the upcoming Legal Marketing Association's Annual Conference. The agenda is now on line at: http://www.legalmarketing.org

I am the President of the Vancouver Chapter and as such I recently got a look at what the international organization has got planned for the confernece and I think it has a lot to offer Legal and Accounting Marketers at all levels.

I just had lunch the other day with a Marketing Manager of a large international accounting firm, and she has found that she is getting a lot of value from her membership in the LMA.

Legal Marketers and Accounting Marketers share many of the same issues, and can safely share ideas, and discuss challenges without the same confidentiality concerns they might have with colleagues from the same profession.

In any case, a look at the conference brochure can help your reader decide whether it's what he/she is looking for.


Thanks for the comments about practical experience with LMA as a supplement to accounting marketers Alison!



I never heard about the Society for Marketing Professional Services group before today. I just checked out their web site and they primarily serve "marketing and business development professionals from architectural, engineering, planning, interior design, construction, and specialty consulting firms located throughout the United States and Canada." Hmmm...the title of their organization sounds pretty hopeful but I don't know how useful they would be for accounting marketing professionals seeking expertise beyond AAM.


Hi Joe, you're right in that it isn't a direct relationship at all, but I have found that I learn the freshest and coolest stuff when I depart from the law and accounting related organizations and venture deeply into the product world or other industries.

If I owned an accounting or law firm, and I really wanted to outshine the competition, I'd much rather that my marketers spent 75-85% of their time--not navel-gazing within my industry but looking outside to what others in the world are doing. ESPECIALLY because professionals are so darn risk averse that we're never going to see the most innovative stuff done in a law or CPA firm!

Though the application may not at first be clear, the ideas and inspirations can be monumental. The smartest marketers can draw the dotted line between industrial or product marketing and professional services. And the bravest of these can compel their firm owners to implement some truly innovative concepts!

Don't hesitate to give it a shot!

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