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May 17, 2006


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Tom Vander Well

You forgot the most obvious one of all. Has anyone worked in an office with a DOCTOR?

HART (1-800-HART)

I've always considered the entire firm of lawyers and accountants as "professionals". That would include the staff, the technicians, the 'team players', the receptionist .. because it's all about the final product.

Everybody else is "NOT a professional" to me (as I like to refer them), although there are those, who are in a profession (doctors, teachers, etc)

"Non-Professional" people to me are something else, that has nothing to do work work at all .. these are the people that just say something and do something else, usually at the expense of others.

Non-Accountants? I personally know many C.A.'s and "Professionals" who know how to pass tests, and solve mysteries of what to do if they were Controller of General Motors .. but, do not know how to reconcile a bank or know what common sense is. These are the types that think everything is not material and pass on problems of their clients because it doesn't fall within the "scope of things".

I laugh at those people and they don't even know it.

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